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Theoretical-methodological basis of science on statistics, statistical analysis of economic, social, ecological and demographic processes, other articles related to economy and social areas are preferred and articles non submitted to other publications are published in Journal of Research and Practice “Statistical News”. More

    • Statistical news (2016-03)

    Statistical news (2016-03)

    The articles of the scientific-practical journal “Statistical news” published in the third quarter of 2016, consists of 8 sections. The section "Statistical researches" includes articles “A new stage in the process of procurement and supply of consumer goods in Azerbaijan”, “Conceptual foundations of entrepreneurial strategy of Azerbaijan at the present stage”, “The main point of sustainable development and a brief analysis of the global initiatives”, Standards in statistics includes articles “About importance of statistical indicators’ system”, “The benefits of building in the central government authorities the quality management system of international level”, the section “National accounts statistics” includes article “Improvement of incomes and expenses account in tourism enterprises”, the section “Agricultural statistics” includes articles “The role of Farm Data Monitoring System in provision of information in agriculture: applying European experince in Azerbaijan”, “The role of innovative mechanisms in the development of agricultural sector”, the section “Population statistics” includes articles “Methodologies of calculation indicators of life expectancy of the population”, “Statistical analysis of mortality from non-infectious diseases among refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPS) in the Samukh region”, the section “Role of international relations in statistics development” includes article “Role of international cooperation in the development of national system of statistics – obtained results and further steps”. In the section "International cooperation" information was presented on the visit of the staff of the State Statistics Committee to the National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria.

    • Statistical news (2016-02)

    Statistical news (2016-02)

    The 2nd edition of the journal “Statistical news” covers the sections under the title of “National accounts statistics”, “Methodological Issues”, “Statistical Analysis of implementation of the state programs”, “Industry Statistics”, “Agricultural Statistics”, “Application of International Standards in Labour Statistics”, “Regulations”. The section “National Accounts Statistics” provides articles titled “The impact of structural changes of national economy on the dynamics and structure of the Gross Domestic Product”, “Human capital foundation of innovative development”, “Socio-economic impact of the devaluation of the manat”; the section “Methodological issues” reflects articles titled “Purchasing power parities of currencies”, “Issues of updating the weights applied for calculation of industrial production indices”, “Theoretical and methodical approaches to the management of economic analysis of personnel expenses”, “The estimation of poverty based on the multivariate statistical analysis”; the section “Statistical analysis of implementation of the state programs” - article titled “Specifications of the state programming in the Azerbaijan”; the section “Industry statistics” -article titled “The priorities of industrial policy of Azerbaijan”; the section “Agricultural Statistics” - article titled “Statistical evaluation of the role of agriculture in the economy of Azerbaijan”; the section “Application of International Standards in Labour Statistics” - article titled “Issues of application of new international standards on labour statistics at the national level”, the section “Regulations” - article titled “The main directions in regulatory and legal framework for improvement of leasing in Azerbaijan”. The journal provides also information about “The 47th Session of UN Statistical Commission”, “64th plenary session of the Conference of European Statisticians and Task Force on statistical and institutional capacity building in the context of Sustainable Development Goals” and the participation of the State Statistical Committee in these international events.

    • Statistical news (2016-01)

    Statistical news (2016-01)

    In the first publication of 2016, the articles are collected in four sections. The articles“Sample survey used in statistical researches”, “Methodological framework of statistical estimation of crop and livestock productivity figures”, “Problems of using of descriptive statistics in statistical researches” have been published in the section “Methodology and MethodsofAnalysis”, the articles “Statistical analysis of current situation of tourism services market in Azerbaijan and development perspectives”, “Calculation methodology of some indicators of gender statistics”, “Econometric analysis of production and consumption of main foodstuff in the country” have been published in the section “Economic-statistical researches”, the article “Challenges of quality assurance and official statistics’ fundamental principles in national statistics” has been published in the section “Standards and norms”, the articles “Financial assurance of sustainable development of agrarian sector”, “Some issues of estimation of outputs of financial intermediation services indirectly measured in the SNA” have been published in the section “National accounts statistics”.  Moreover, information on the conference held on the presentation of the Twinning project entitled “Support to the State Statistical Committee in harmonisation of the National Statistics System of the Republic of Azerbaijan in line with European standards”, the conference related visit of the staff of the State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan Republic and forthcoming international events has been highlighted. Thejournal also reflects a “List of international events devoted to statistics in 2016”.