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Theoretical-methodological basis of science on statistics, statistical analysis of economic, social, ecological and demographic processes, other articles related to economy and social areas are preferred and articles non submitted to other publications are published in Journal of Research and Practice “Statistical News”. More

    • Statistical news (2024-01)

    Statistical news (2024-01)

    The articles published in the first quarter of 2024 of the "Statistical news" scientific-practical magazine are collected under the headings "Economic-statistical studies", "Methodology". These sections include "Analysis of Azerbaijan's green energy discourse: true shades of green energy", "Priorities of creating innovation clusters in the context of the development of the processing industry", "Impact of solid production and household waste in large settlements on the environment and human health", "Processing and marketing of agricultural products" global view of economic approaches aimed at improvement", "Improvement of the tax system in fiscal policy", "Mechanism of regulation of the credit market in Azerbaijan", "Economic security and diplomacy in international practice", "Circulation of bills as a source of strengthening investment activity and development of Azerbaijan's manufacturing industry", "State financing of special economic zones; The role of foreign capital in the financing of special economic zones", "Reforms in the foreign trade sector in Azerbaijan and their results" are included. In the "Indicators of the socio-economic development of the country by the end of 2023" section, information on macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, income and expenses of the State budget, export and imported products, indicators of foreign trade with partner countries was mentioned.

    • Statistical news (2023-04)

    Statistical news (2023-04)

    The scientific and practical journal "Statistics News", published in the fourth quarter of 2023, consists of 3 sections. In the section “Statistical research”  “Brief practical examples of the application of the European Statistics Code of Practice in the statistical system of Azerbaijan”, “Development of Azerbaıjan ındustry”, “ Integration of environmental and economic accounts”, “ Statistical analysis of water consumption in Azerbaijan”, “The role of hydrotechnical facilities in the sustainable economic development of the country”,“Capitalizing on sustainability: green investments and other questions”, “Big data - as a new statistical approach in the development of science and education”.  In the section “Methodology”  “Current issues of digital transformation of the economy and society”,  “National interests under the “security umbrella” of the financial-economic security tandem”, “Small and Medium Business" in entrepreneurial activity world experience of financing”in  articles are located. In the section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for the 2023 of the january-february outcomes” the following statistical indicators are reflected: “Macroeconomic indicators”, “Gross Domestic Product manufacturing”, “Fixed capital allocations for the financial sources”, “The value of fixed capital allocations for the fields of economy”, “Structure of the retail trade circulation according to the products”, “Credit investment to the economy”, “Expenses of the state budget”, “Revenues of the state budget”, “Freight turnover in the transport sector”, “Passenger turnover in the transport sector”, “All important types of exported products”, “Foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries”, “All important types of imported products”.

    • Statistical news (2023-03)

    Statistical news (2023-03)

    The scientific and practical journal "Statistics News", published in the third quarter of 2023, consists of 3 sections. In the section “Statistical research” “Econometric assessment of the impact of greenhouse gases on sustainable economic growth”, “Assessment of the impact of exports on economic growth in Azerbaijan”, “The role of special economic zones in the economic development of the country”, “The positive impact of the political legacy of Heydar Aliyev on improving the welfare of the population and the development of the country's labor market”, “Quality indicators in statistical analysis”, “Statistical modeling meat consumption in the country” articles titled, In the section “Methodology“ "Issues of statistical evaluation of labor productivity”, “Poverty in the world and its impact on children”, “Application of statistical innovations in the design of sample surveys”, “Macroeconomic principles of human capital”, “Branding and design in the system of increasing business competitiveness articles are located. In the section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for the 2023 first quarter outcomes” the following statistical indicators are reflected: “Macroeconomic indicators”, “Gross Domestic Product manufacturing”, “Fixed capital allocations for the financial sources”, “The value of fixed capital allocations for the fields of economy”, “Structure of the retail trade circulation according to the products”, “Credit investment to the economy”, “Expenses of the state budget”, “Revenues of the state budget”, “Freight turnover in the transport sector”, “Passenger turnover in the transport sector”, “All important types of exported products”, “Foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries”, “All important types of imported products”.

    • Statistical news (2023-02)

    Statistical news (2023-02)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the first quarter of 2023 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Issues of the effective use of mining deposits in the territories liberated from occupation in azerbaijan and their impact on economic growth”, “Directions of animal husbandry development in liberated territories”, “Development trends of social protection of population in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Statistical modeling of the production of grain products in the country ”, “On the consumption of energy resources in Azerbaijan ”, “Business plan in the system of state regulation of the economy”, “Cloud Computing in information systems management”, “Water flow accounts» , “Importance of creation and development of non-state pension funds”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of “Indicators on socio-economic development of the country at the end of the first quarter of 2023”.

    • Statistical news (2023-01)

    Statistical news (2023-01)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the first quarter of 2023 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Analysis and evaluation of indicators characterizing the provision of sustainable development in Azerbaijan”, “Assessment of comparative advantages for agricultural products of Azerbaijan”, “Regional problems of ensuring socio-economic security in the consumer market of Azerbaijan”, “The role of small and medium business in the country's economy and the use of sample surveys in its estimation”, “Socio-demographic impacts of population ageing and its measurement criteria”, “Analytical procedures used in the audit of financial statements of entities”, “Regulation of international trade in food and agricultural products: identification of the export potential of tomatoes exported from Azerbaijan”, “Azerbaijans foreign trade relations and their development prospects”, “Development of oil refining and gasoline production in Azerbaijan”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “Indicators on socio-economic development of the country at the end of 2022”.

    • Statistical news (2022-04)

    Statistical news (2022-04)

    Articles published in the IV quarter of 2022 in the scientific-practical Journal” statistical news “are collected under the heading” economic-statistical research“,” methodology". These sections include "issues of maintaining and actualizing the State Register of statistical units in the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “the level and dynamics of inflation in Azerbaijan in the light of the pandemic and the processes taking place in the world” "statistical analysis of indicators characterizing the emission of heat-generating gases in Azerbaijan”, "Economic Innovation in Azerbaijan",”the tourism market of Azerbaijan, ” Directions of regulation of competitive and export-oriented areas of innovative agribusiness “includes articles entitled ” From the experience of state support for entrepreneurs in the agribusiness system of foreign countries in modern economic conditions." In the section” indicators on the socio-economic development of the country at the end of January-September 2022", information on macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, income and expenses of the state budget, export and imported products, Foreign Trade Indicators with partner countries was noted.

    • Statistical news (2022-03)

    Statistical news (2022-03)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the third quarter of 2022 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “  Econometric assessment of the factors influencing transportation of goods in transport  Sector”, “Using of the time use survey data in the calculation of unpaid work”, “The research of demand for grain products in the country”, “Issues of management of procurement logistics at the enterprise”, “Assessment of the level of human capital development in Azerbaijan”, “The nature of international financing in the oil and gas industry and the main directions of its  development”, “Some aspects of developing a business plan”, “Increase of the impact of international transport corridors on the expansion of the value chain”, “Modern industrial policy of Azerbaijan in conditions of economic diversification”, “Prıorıtıes for formıng  economıc  mechanısms  to actıvate ınnovatıve actıvıtıes ın  agrıbusıness”, “Socio effects of information technology” . The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2022 outcomes”.

    • Statistical news (2022-02)

    Statistical news (2022-02)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the first quarter of 2018 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Development of metadata and classification system in official statistics”, “The role of employment and unemployment in the formation of the labour market”, “The main tasks in the formation of effective tax management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Azerbaijan”, “Analysis of the forms of financial reporting of oil and gas industry enterprises”, “Innovative  potential  of the  agricultural sector and the current state of the  information  base for  its implementation”, “Disruptive innovation and career”, “The role of digital technologies in public life”, “Analysis and assessment of the main problems of accounting for leasing operations”, “Theoretical foundations of the exploration of enterprise risks”, “Analysis of the state and prospects for the development of the economy of the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from the Armenian invaders”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “Indicators on socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2022 outcomes”.

    • Statistical news (2022-01)

    Statistical news (2022-01)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the first quarter of 2022 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Current situation of poultry in Azerbaijan and its development directions”, “Demographic situation in our country in modern times”, “Development of households in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as a basis for entrepreneurial   activity”, “T Definition, types and statistical analysis of the offense”, “About one approach to the issue of marking documents for their confidentiality”, “The role of small and medium business in the socio-economic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan and statistical evaluation of development”, “Development of ICT and e-commerce in Azerbaijan in accordance with the requirements of the time”, “Compilation of the Social Accounting Matrix for Azerbaijan”, “A new perspective on the sustainable development strategy and competitive environment of the liberated territories”, “The impact of globalization and digitalization on the development of the profession of a specialist in management accounting” “Labor market on the basis of digital technologies”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country at the end of 2021 outcomes” . The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains Autobiographical information dedicated to Pechersky Ilya Borisovich..

    • Statistical news (2021-04)

    Statistical news (2021-04)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the fourth quarter of 2021 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Renewable energy sources of Azerbaijan and their evaluation”, “Development of energy sector in Azerbaijan-statistical overview”, “Development of households in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as a basis for entrepreneurial   activity”, “The role of the labor market in the balanced socio-economic development of the regions of Azerbaijan”, “Efficient use of resources in the sustainable development of the country”, “Zangazur corridor: new economic development opportunities for the region”, “Some problems and prospects of applying environmenta marketing management in Azerbaijan”, “Normative and positive methodologies in the accounting-reporting system”, “Comprehensive analysis of the main indicators of tourism competitiveness”, “Assessing the competitiveness of insurance companies”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of 2021 outcomes” . The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Gindin Alexander Moiseevich.