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Theoretical-methodological basis of science on statistics, statistical analysis of economic, social, ecological and demographic processes, other articles related to economy and social areas are preferred and articles non submitted to other publications are published in Journal of Research and Practice “Statistical News”. More

    • Statistical news (2019-01)

    Statistical news (2019-01)

    The articles published in "Statistical News" in the first quarter of 2018 are collected under the headings "Economic-statistical researches", "Methodology". These sections include articles titled “Statistical analysis of the current situation of the labour market at Azerbaijan”, “Prices - as a means of regulating expanded reproduction in agriculture”, “The roles of cruise in the world tourism”, “Statistical survey of water consumption in Azerbaijan”, “Statistical researches in trade”, “Economic growth and the main factors influencing it”, “The role of financial mechanisms in ensuring macroeconomic balance”, “Health statistics of population in Azerbaijan”, “The conceptual model of the system that ensures safety of Internet users working with protected information”, “Issues of improving the quality of statistical activities”,  “Some issues of the population census”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “Indicators on socio-economic development of the country at the end of 2017”. The information about the board meeting devoted to the results of 2017 and duties of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2018 was indicated in the section of “Development of official statistics”. At the same time information about Ali Abdulov who had contributed to the establishment of statistics was given in the section of “From the pages of history of Azerbaijan”. At the last a list of international events devoted to statistics in 2018 was presented.

    • Statistical news (2018-04)

    Statistical news (2018-04)

    Published in the fourth quarter of 2018, the scientific and practical journal “Statistical-news” consists of sections “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of 2018 outcomes”, “From the pages of the history of statistics of Azerbaijan”. The section “Economic-statistical researches” covers articles under the titles “A look at the ongoing reforms towards economic diversification”, “National Sustainable Economic Development model is the logical result of Heydar Aliyev's economic strategy”, “Assessment of the current economic and social development trends in Azerbaijan from the standpoint of sustainable development”, “The level and dynamics of prices in the background of the development of the Azerbaijan economy”, “The organization of statistical research of milk production”, “Statistical aspects of international inbound tourism in Azerbaijan”, “National security, economic security and food security chains”, the section "Methodology" covers articles under the titles “Construction and application of Social Accounting Matrix”, “Statistical modeling of import and export”, “An alternative approach to money and capital concepts: the potential capital approach to money and the fair allocation of  financial resources”. In addition, in the section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of 2018 outcomes” are reflected macroeconomic indicators, fixed capital allocations for the financial sources, harvesting of plant-growing products for all categories of economy, revenues and expenses of the state budget, foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries, etc. The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Samad Salman oglu Suleymanov. Besides, in journal of "Statistical News" published the title-alphabetical list of articles in 2018 .

    • Statistical news (2018-03)

    Statistical news (2018-03)

    “Statistical-news” scientific-practical journal published in the third quarter of 2018 consists of the following sections: “Economic-statistical researches”, “Theory and methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for outcomes of first half part of 2018”. Articles under the titles “Evaluation of modern situation of development of the country’s manufacturing industry”, “The role and importance of the “Southern gas corridor” in the development of country's economy”, “Statistical aspects of demographic security”, “Statistical analysis of dairy products market”, “Brief statistical analysis of divorce cases”, “The role of small business in reducing poverty”, “Analysis of regional development in the context of inequality”, “Technological issues of micro and small entrepreneurship statistics” are reflected in the section "Economic-statistical researches", the articles “Current issues of educating of highly professional specialists of a new generation in management accounting”, “Innovation in statistical accounting: The System of  Environmental-Economic Accounting”, “GSBPM as a tool for qualitative modernization of Azerbaijan’s official statistics’ production system” are reflected in the section “Theory and methodology”. In the section "The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for the 2018 first quarter outcomes” the following statistical indicators are reflected: “Macroeconomic indicators”, “Gross Domestic Product manufacturing”, “Fixed capital allocations for the financial sources”, “The value of fixed capital allocations for the fields of economy”, “Structure of the retail trade circulation according to the products”, “Credit investment to the economy”, “Expenses of the state budget”, “Revenues of the state budget”, “Freight turnover in the transport sector”, “Passenger turnover in the transport sector”, “All important types of exported products”, “Foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries”, “All important types of imported products”.

    • Statistical news (2018-02)

    Statistical news (2018-02)

    The articles published in "Statistical News" in the second quarter of 2018 are collected under the headings "Economic-statistical researches", "Methodology", “Development of insurance”. These sections include articles titled “The problems of applying "weak" scientometric indicators in Azerbaijan”, “Formation of the marketing system for innovation products”, “The tasks of introducing sample surveys in statistics agriculture”, “Gender factor in sustainable human development”, “The role of human capital in the development of the labor market in the country”, “Development of the institute of microfinance in Azerbaijan and improvement”, “Importance of official statistics in the context of economic security”, “Guidance on improving the audit of estimated quantities”, “Some problems of crisis management of material resources”, “The mathematical modeling of the major indicators of financial system”, “Issues of territorial (geographical) information systems and their security”, “History of insurance formation and development”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods,and indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was presented in the section of “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2018 outcomes”. The section "From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan" contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Valiyev Arif Mikayil oglu, operated as the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan Republic.

    • Statistical news (2018-01)

    Statistical news (2018-01)

    Posting date: 14.04.2018
    The articles published in "Statistical News" in the first quarter of 2018 are collected under the headings "Economic-statistical researches", "Methodology".  Thesesections include articles titled “Analysis of export potential in the Republic of Azerbaijan and development prospects”, “Analysis of factors affecting the food market capacity”, “Statistical analysis of death cases due to diseases of the circulatory system among the population of Azerbaijan”, “Factors determining the differences in the socio-economic development of the regions”, “Identification of economic cycles in the dynamic development of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, “Regression-correlation analysis of the influence of various factors on demographic processes”, “Social-economic problems of improving the labour force quality in the conditions of labour market liberalization”, “Methods of reduction of the information load on entrepreneurs”. The “State Program on Improvement of Official Statistics in the Republic of Azerbaijan” was published inthe section of “Statistics: official documents” and the information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators onforeign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “Indicators on socio-economic development of the country at the end of 2017”. The information about the board meeting devoted to the results of 2017 and duties of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2018 was indicated in the section of “Development of official statistics”. At the same time information about Ali Abdulovwho had contributed to the establishment of statistics was givenin the section of “From the pages of history of Azerbaijan”. At the last a list of international events devoted to statistics in 2018 was presented.

    • Statistical news (2017-04)

    Statistical news (2017-04)

    Sayta yerləşdirilmə tarixi: 14.12.2017
    Published in the fourth quarter of 2017, the scientific and practical journal “Statistical-news”consists of sections “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on January-September of 2017 outcomes”, “International cooperation”, “From the pages of the history of statistics of Azerbaijan”. The section “Economic-statistical researches” covers articles under the titles “Modern development model and priorities of state social insurance system in Azerbaijan”, “Creation and development of infrastructure for supporting small innovative business”, “Statistical analysis of the contemporary condition of the agrarian sector in Azerbaijan”, “A look at the development of communication, informational and communication technologies from the standpoint of  social aspect”, “Some issues of application of information and communication technologies in trade”, “Formation of labor resources in Ganja-Gazakh economic region”,the section "Methodology" covers articles under the titles “Analysis and evaluating of ecological risks”, “Use of methods of management accounting and analysis  in cost management”, “Organizational issues of statistical observation in trade”, “System of statistical indicators of small enterprise development and directions of its analysis”. In addition, the section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on January-September 2017 outcomes” reflects macroeconomic indicators, fixed capital allocations for the financial sources, harvesting of plant-growing products for all categories of economy, revenues and expenses of the state budget, foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries, etc. Also the journal presents the information about visit of the delegation headed by Mr. Tahir Budagov, the Chairman of the State Statistics Committee to Germany and the Twinning Project "Support to the State Statistical Committee in harmonisation of the National Statistics System of the Republic of Azerbaijan in line with European standards". The section “From the pages of statistical history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Nagi Aleskeroglu Bagirov. In addition, the section "New official publication of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan" provides information on books published by the State Statistical Committee and on their content.


    • Statistical news (2017-03)

    Statistical news (2017-03)

    Posting date: 21.09.2017
    “Statistical-news” scientific-practical journal published in the third quarter of 2017 consists of the following sections: “Economic-statistical researches”, “Improvement of statistical information system”, “Statistical classification, standards and registers”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for outcomes offirst half part of2017”, “International cooperation”. Articles under the titles “The role of insurance in the financial services segment of Azerbaijan and prospects for systematic transformation”, “Statistical research of factors affecting the exchange rate”, “The role of the tax mechanism in stimulating the export potential”, “Marketing-management and some issues of ensuring economic stability”, “Improvement of investment climate, application of innovations and measures taken in this field in the country”, “Statistical evaluation of the damage to the atmosphere caused by households”, “Statistical research of Gross Domestic Product”, “Some aspects of the implementation of the Government finance statistics” are reflected in the section "Economic-statistical researches", the article “Problems of the accounting information system in modern conditions” is reflected in the section “Improvement of statistical information system”, the article “Applicative issues of self-assessment tools in quality assurance” - in the section “Statistical classification, standards and registers”. In the section "The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for the 2017first quarter outcomes” the following statistical indicators are reflected: “Macroeconomic indicators”, “Gross Domestic Product manufacturing”, “Fixed capital allocations for the financial sources”, “The value of fixed capital allocations for the fields of economy”, “Structure of the retail trade circulation according to the products”, “Credit investment to the economy”, “Expenses of the state budget”, “Revenues of the state budget”, “Freight turnover in the transport sector”, “Passenger turnover in the transport sector”, “All important types of exported products”, “Foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries”, “All important types of imported products”. In the section "International cooperation" detailed information about the participation of Tahir Budagov, the Chairman of the State Statistical Committee in international events in Geneva and new official publications of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan was provided.

    • Statistical news (2017-02)

    Statistical news (2017-02)

    Posting date:  09.06.2017
    Articles published in the second quarter of 2017 of the scientific and practical journal “Statistical news” are included in sections “Economic and statistical researches”, “Indicators of socio-economic development of the country in the first quarter of 2017”, “Development of official statistics”, “The international cooperation”, “From the pages of the history of Azerbaijan”.The section “Economic-statistical researches” includes articles “Scientific research of the concepts “expenses”, “costs” and “charges” in formation of accounting-analytical system”, “Formation of innovative national business and directions of its development in Azerbaijan”, “The main strategic goals of the model of economic development”, “Organizational-economic problems of cost management in the system of management accounting and the ways of their solutions”, “Present situation of register-based statistics in Azerbaijan: realities and development trends”, “Consideration of seasonal factors in determination of dynamics of industrial production”, “Price statistics in Azerbaijan: current situation and perspectives”, “State and development perspectives of basic areas of cattle-breeding”, “ICT development index, global competitiveness index – theoretical and methodological issues”, “The role of productivity of the labour in increasing GDP by the areas of economic activity”. Also, the section "Development of Official Statistics" provides detailedinformation about the meeting of the Statistical Council under the State Statistical Committee, the section International Cooperation- International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals, the 57th meeting of the Council of the Heads of Statistical Services of CIS member states, new official editions of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    • Statistical news (2017-01)

    Statistical news (2017-01)

    The scientific-practical journal “Statistical news” published in the first quarter of 2017, consists of 6 sections. The section “Economic-statistical researches” includes articles under the titles “Strategic Road Map of Azerbaijan's economy and development”, “Production analysis of agricultural products in Azerbaijan by means of function of Cobb-Douglas”, “The efficiency and role of the marketing logistics in the consumer market”, “The role of education in the formation of human capital”, “Study of the systems of sustainable development indicators using statistical methods”, “Statistical research of food security”, the section “Methodology” includes articles “Aspects of methodological approach to forecasting of population size”, “Methodological basis of conducting sample surveys”, “Issues of the organization of statistical research”. This issue of journal provides also information about the visit of Tahir Budagov to Bangkok and the indicators concerning socio-economic development of country for 2016 outcomes.

    • Statistical news (2016-04)

    Statistical news (2016-04)

    The fourth edition of “Statistical news” consists of the sections “Economic-statistical research”, “Statistical standards and registers” and “Methodology”. The section "Economic-statistical research" includes articles titled “Analysis of the innovative entrepreneurial activity and audit evaluation in Azerbaijan”,“Social challenges of sustainable development in Azerbaijan economy and duties of formation of social quality model”, “Information technology market and a new approach to its marketing research”, “Influence of gender disproportion on the population natural growth”, “Analysis and assessment of statistical indicators characterizing the changes in employment and demographic processes in Azerbaijan”, “Main economic indicators of construction statistics and analysis”, “Statistical investigation of a flow of visitors”, the section “Statistical standards and registers” includes article titled “The role of administrative data in production of official statistics”, the section “Methodology” includes article titled “Organization of a sample survey on agricultural statistics”. Journal also reflects the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On population censuses in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the approval of the new members of the Statistical Council under the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan", as well as macroeconomic indicators of the country for 9 months of 2016, the new official publications of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the title-alphabetical list of articles published in "Statistical News" in 2016.