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Theoretical-methodological basis of science on statistics, statistical analysis of economic, social, ecological and demographic processes, other articles related to economy and social areas are preferred and articles non submitted to other publications are published in Journal of Research and Practice “Statistical News”. More

    • Statistical news (2021-03)

    Statistical news (2021-03)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the third quarter of 2021 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Digital economy and electronic trading”, “Impacts of COVID-19 on household consumption expenditures”, “Improving the use of  investment potential in the agrarian sector”, “Statistical diagnosis of the agrarian sector in Azerbaijan and the agricultural potential of the regions”, “Analysis of Azerbaijan's export basket based on the Economic Complexity Index (ECI)”, “The growing demand for e-commerce in Azerbaijan during the pandemic”, “Organization of statistical research”, “Forecasting tax revenues in the tax system, their advantages and disadvantagesin the digital economy”, “Directions for improving accounting and reporting in the management bodies of extra-budgetary state funds”, “Economic security of the individual: threats to the security environment, protection and assessment methodology”, « İmproving innovative activities in Azerbaijan» . The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2021 outcomes”. The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Fikret Aggirax oglu Abidov.

    • Statistical news (2021-02)

    Statistical news (2021-02)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the second quarter of 2021 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “Potential opportunities of industrial production in the Kharabakh region: new requirements for public and private investment”, “Statistical study of demographic indicators”, “Reducing Azerbaijan's dependence on imports and ensuring economic security”, “On theoretical issues of export diversification”, “Integrated assessment of information confidentiality on the basу of expert opinions”, “Socio-economic factors that cause employment problems in the reions”, “Use of a tax instrument and international experience for the fair distribution of income in Azerbaijan and international experience”, “Efficient tools of official statistics quality management”, “Problems of taxation in educational institutions of Azerbaijan”, “The impact of international labor mobility on socio-economic development”, «Problems of regulation of exchange rates in the Republic of Azerbaijan and measures taken in this direction» . The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2021 outcomes”. The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Shahbala Aggirax oglu Mammadov.

    • Statistical news (2021-01)

    Statistical news (2021-01)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the first quarter of 2021 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “New methodological approach to measurement of the volume of the shadow economy”, “Issues of ensuring  energy security nowadays”, “State regulation of transnational companies (TNC) in Azerbaijan and forecasting the volume of foreign investment”, “Statistical measuring tourism expenditures”, “Modern development stages of entrepreneurship activity in Azerbaijan”, “Current state and prospects for agricultural  development in economic regions of Yukhari Karabakh and Kalbajar-Lachin”, “Methodological problems of definition of indicators of electronic business development”, “The past, present and future of price statistics”, “Issues of improving the accounting of material resources in commercial enterprises”, “Some problems and prospects for the application of ecological marketing in Azerbaijan” . The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross

    • Statistical news (2020-04)

    Statistical news (2020-04)

     Published in the fourth quarter of 2020, the scientific and practical journal “Statistical-news” consists of sections “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of 2020 outcomes”, “From the pages of the history of statistics of Azerbaijan”. The section “Economic-statistical researches” covers articles under the titles “About some issues of the environment”, “Several issues of high and secondary specialized education”, “Regulation of consumer prices and tariffs for electricity in order to maintain thestability of economic development”, “ Regional development differences and the role of the state in overcoming them”, the section “Methodology”covers articles under the titles “Assessment of development indicator of the sector of construction in Azerbaijan”, Tax regimes applied in the Republic of Azerbaijan”,  “Interventions in the agricultural market: world experience anddirections of application in Azerbaijan”, “Organizational and methodological bases of regulation of international labour force mobility and indicators for assessing the impact of labour migration on the economic development of the country”, “Scientific basis for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises based on engineering”.Inaddition, inthe section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of 2020 outcomes” are reflected macroeconomic indicators, fixed capital allocations for the financial sources, revenues and expenses of the state budget, foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries, etc. The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Peçerskiy İlya Borisoviç.Besides, in journal of "Statistical News" published the title-alphabetical list of articles in 2020.

    • Statistical news (2020-03)

    Statistical news (2020-03)

    “Statistical-news” scientific-practical journal published in the third quarter of 2020 consists of the following sections: “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for outcomes offirst half part of2020”. Articles under the titles “Statistical analysis of time series in the case of retail turnover”, “Statistical study of some factors affecting the incomes of the population in Azerbaijan”, “Agriculture as a strategic sector of the Azerbaijani economy”, “Some issues of social protection of the population in Azerbaijan”, “Opportunities for official and unofficial statistics to influence global financial marketsin the context of financial security”are reflected in the section “Economic-statistical researches”, the articles“Methodological issues of decent work statistics”, “Ways to improve tax mechanisms in e-commerce”, “The role of the tax system in the development of the economy of Azerbaijan”, “Big data and use them for statistical purposes”, “Working capital of the enterprise and the role of bank credit in its formation” are reflected in the section “Methodology”. In the section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for the 2020first quarter outcomes” the following statistical indicators are reflected: “Macroeconomic indicators”, “Gross Domestic Product manufacturing”, “Fixed capital allocations for the financial sources”, “The value of fixed capital allocations for the fields of economy”, “Structure of the retail trade circulation according to the products”, “Credit investment to the economy”, “Expenses of the state budget”, “Revenues of the state budget”, “Freight turnover in the transport sector”, “Passenger turnover in the transport sector”, “All important types of exported products”, “Foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries”, “All important types of imported products”.

    • Statistical news (2020-02)

    Statistical news (2020-02)

    The articles published in "Statistical News" in the second quarter of 2020 are collected under the headings "Economic-statistical researches", "Methodology and basics of theoretical issues". These sections include articles titled: “The role of labour market indicators in the statistical assessment of sustainable socio-economic development of the country”, “Statistical estimation of life expectancy”, “Statistical analysis of production of potatoes, vegetables and market garden crops in Lankaran-Astara economic district”, “Evaluation of innovation and investment activity in the enterprise”, “Increasing the credibility and transparency of financial reporting within the framework of fair value concept for assets and liabilities”, “Theoretical basis of economic policy: actual trends and directions of development”, “Some conceptual issues and problems of the digital economy”, “Formation features of database of macroeconometric model of Azerbaijan”, “The role of agro-marketing in the sustainable development of agrarian sphere”, “Theoretical and applied problems  for assessing national wealth in modern time”, “Management of the information series in the organization of sustainable development statistics”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2020 outcomes”. The section “From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan” contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Huseyn Yusif oglu Zeynalov, the chairman of the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan.

    • Statistical news (2020-01)

    Statistical news (2020-01)

    The articles published in “Statistical News” in the first quarter of 2018 are collected under the headings “Economic-statistical researches”, “Methodology”. These sections include articles titled “The role of e-commerce system in the trade turnover of Azerbaijan”, “Current state and statistical study of buffalo breeding in Azerbaijan”, “Personnel policy and demand for qualified personnel in electrical engineering enterprises in Azerbaijan”, “The influence of the geographical and economic position of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic on economic indicators”, “Assessment problems of the potential for sustainable and continuous development of the national economy”, “Organizational-economic and legal aspect of formation of innovative development environment in the agricultural industry”, “Corporate management in small and medium-sized businesses”, “Using directions of social media and its importance in the dissemination of official statistics in Azerbaijan”, “Models of stimulation of human capital development”, “Information and analytical support for the process of marking documents using a fuzzy analysis of the confidentiality of information”. The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, macroeconomic indicators, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and  expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of  “Indicators on socio-economic development of the country at the end of 2019”. At the same time information about Ali Abdulov who had contributed to the establishment of statistics was given in the section of “From the pages of history of Azerbaijan”.

    • Statistical news (2019-04)

    Statistical news (2019-04)

    Published in the fourth quarter of 2019, the scientific and practical journal “Statistical-news” consists of sections “Economic-statistical researches”, “Theory and methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of  2019 outcomes. The section “Economic-statistical researches” covers articles under the titles “Current aspects of statistical analysis of insurance activity in Azerbaijan”, “Statistical analysis of the structure of agricultural land”, “Sustainable Development Goals and statistics of water scarcity”, “The role of state regulation of the economy in stabilizing inflation in Azerbaijan”, “Formation and main trends of development of agrarian”, “Impact of the development of entrepreneurship on business environment”, the section “Theory and methodology” covers articles under the titles “Transformation of statistics into digital technology”, “Training portal of digital statistics”, “Modern challenges in oil revenue management”, “New models of financing in higher education system: world experience and Azerbaijan”. In addition, in the section “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country on january-september of 2019 outcomes” are reflected macroeconomic indicators, fixed capital allocations for the financial sources, harvesting of plant-growing products for all categories of economy, revenues and expenses of the state budget, foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries, etc. Besides, in journal of "Statistical News" published the title-alphabetical list of articles in 2019.

    • Statistical news (2019-03)

    Statistical news (2019-03)

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    “Statistical-news” scientific-practical journal published in the third quarter of 2019 consists of the following sections: “Economic-statistical researches”, “Theory and methodology”, “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for outcomes of first half part of 2019”. Articles under the titles “Evaluation of modern situation of development of the country’s manufacturing industry”, “The role and importance of the “Southern gas corridor” in the development of country's economy”, “Statistical aspects of demographic security”, “Statistical analysis of dairy products market”, “Brief statistical analysis of divorce cases”, “The role of small business in reducing poverty”, “Analysis of regional development in the context of inequality”, “Technological issues of micro and small entrepreneurship statistics” are reflected in the section "Economic-statistical researches", the articles “Current issues of educating of highly professional specialists of a new generation in management accounting”, “Innovation in statistical accounting: The System of  Environmental-Economic Accounting”, “GSBPM as a tool for qualitative modernization of Azerbaijan’s official statistics’ production system” are reflected in the section “Theory and methodology”. In the section "The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for the 2018 first quarter outcomes” the following statistical indicators are reflected: “Macroeconomic indicators”, “Gross Domestic Product manufacturing”, “Fixed capital allocations for the financial sources”, “The value of fixed capital allocations for the fields of economy”, “Structure of the retail trade circulation according to the products”, “Credit investment to the economy”, “Expenses of the state budget”, “Revenues of the state budget”, “Freight turnover in the transport sector”, “Passenger turnover in the transport sector”, “All important types of exported products”, “Foreign trade indicators of Azerbaijan with the partner countries”, “All important types of imported products”.

    • Statistical news (2019-02)

    Statistical news (2019-02)

    The articles published in "Statistical News" in the second quarter of 2019 are collected under the headings "Economic-statistical researches", "Theory and methodology". These sections include articles titled "Statistical survey of energy consumption in Azerbaijan", "Discriminant analysis approach in determining the economic status of countries", "Statistical analysis of the tobacco and tea market in Azerbaijan", "The impact of world financial globalization on Azerbaijan", "The historical stages of accounting for financial results", "Engineering marketing management in the creation of lean production", "Key features of using population census data in organization sustainable development statistics", "Analysis of the relationship between innovation and human capital development and employment", "Azerbaijan: the transition from black gold to green culture", "The economic and technical benefits of using electronic money", "Prospects of e-commerce development in Azerbaijan". The information about macroeconomic indicators of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Gross Domestic Product, revenues and expenses of the state budget, exported and imported goods, indicators on foreign trade with partner countries was indicated in the section of “The indicators concerning socio-economic development of the country for first quarter of 2019 outcomes”. The section "From the pages of statistics history of Azerbaijan" contains autobiographical information dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Hamid Hasanoglu Sultanov, the chairman of the State Statistical Committee of Azerbaijan.